Short on time in Dublin? Here's what you must do and see if you need to explore Dublin in a day. The Dublin of today is one that has recovered from centuries of political and economic repression and Dubliners are increasingly keen on reclaiming Irish culture before it's lost … [Read more...]
Best Ways to Experience Irish Music in Ireland
One Day in Ireland, this Happened... Irish music performed in 3 different ways made my stay in Ireland 3 times better -- here's why you don't want to miss hearing it. You’ve likely heard of Irish music, but until going to Ireland it’s hard to fully grasp just how ingrained … [Read more...]
How to Pour and Drink a Pint of Guinness
Plus More Guinness Gems Learned at the Guinness Storehouse’s Connoisseur Bar in Dublin Did you know there’s a right way to drink a Guinness? Yup, there is, complete with a KPI (that would be Key Performance Indicator). And I’m pretty sure it may get you drunk so be careful! … [Read more...]
Living Like the Locals with in Ireland
While I love a luxury hotel stay and have stayed at some pretty incredible hotels and resorts, it seems that my most memorable accommodations are often when I have the opportunity to stay with locals while traveling. I recently got the opportunity to do just that in Dublin, … [Read more...]
What Did You Expect, People Jumping off Buildings? St. Patrick’s Day in Dublin
A Look Back on a Spending St. Patrick's Day at Dublin in College Ten years ago on this day, instead of being the productive, responsible adult I am now (my fiancé is rolling his eyes at this) I was a college student who flew across the pond where I was studying in England to … [Read more...]